Condition statements are “IF, IFTRUE, IFERROR".
Step-by-step explanation:
In programming languages “IF <Conditon>’” is used. Normally if condition means, if given condition is true either single statement or multiple statement are executed.
With “IF <Conditon>” has “ELSE” or “ELSEIF <Conditonn>”, Else path execution of “IF <CONDITON>” is false.
Same “ELSEIF <CONDITION>” is executed if “IF CONDITON” is false.
“OR and NOR” is logical operations, “When” is only on sql query mostly.
“IFTRUE” Mostly inbuilt function on some of programming languages, executer if condition is true.
“IFERROR” mostly inbuilt function on some of programming languages, execute if end error comes where assign value is wrong type or variable or identified is not found etc.