W W W h
Step-by-step explanation:
On a piano, which notes have sharps or flats (black keys) are displayed clearly.
Whole and half steps are also displayed clearly. Including the black keys, moving two notes is a whole step and one note is a half step.
All notes have a sharp and a flat, EXCEPT:
C and F do not have flat
B and E do not have sharp
This is the chromatic scale, the scale showing all semitones (sharps/flats):
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C
The C major scale is the easiest to use because there are no sharps or flats.
The scale goes C D E F G A B C
Count how many notes forward on the chromatic scale is needed to hit the next key. 2 is Whole, 1 is half
C to D: 2
D to E: 2
E to F: 1
F to G: 2
G to A: 2
A to B: 2
B to C: 1
That's W W h W W W h.