Vt = 435,49 Km/min
Vt = 26129 Km/hour
Vt = 16630, 35 miles/hour
The distance from earth center up to satellite position is:
earth radius + distance above earth
radius of satellite 6378 + 1250 = 7628 Km
linear speed = Vt = 2π*r/T
r is radius of satellite and T period = 110 min
Vt = 6,28* 7628 / 110
Vt = 47903/110
Vt = 435,49 Km/min
To get it in Km/h we must multiply by 60
Vt = 26129 Km/hour
And finally to get it in miles per hour we divide by 1,6
Vt = 16630, 35 miles/hour