Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) and Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) had similar views about the importance of a strong military state (A) that would be worthy of the greatness of their respective nations and people.
B is wrong because: Both leaders did not saw positively any kind of diversity. Both were strong defenders of Christianism, and pursued "pure identities", be it the Italians (Mussolini) or be it the Arian race (Hitler).
C is wrong because: For both movements, Italian fascism, and german nazi fascism, the existence of private property was important given the support received by and provided for various companies. Hitler was supported by great industrials like Krupp and Bosch groups. Mussolini adopted an economic policy that favored big companies and banks. Also, both movements grew up from strong anticommunism (in other words, private ownership of the means of production) feelings in their respective countries.
D is wrong because: Mussolini and Hitler did not advocate for a limited role of the state. They defended strong states that would be capable of realizing the greatness of their nations.