The order of the processes that describe the interaction between the digestive and circulatory systems in the human body ;
Nutrients are ingested at the mouth. Digestive processes break nutrients down in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine. Nutrients diffuse through the villi of the small intestine. Nutrients enter the capillaries of the circulatory system. Blood is pumped through the circulatory system to deliver nutrients to other organs.
Step-by-step explanation:
The food we eat contains essential nutrients that are important to the proper functioning of our body. The human digestive system which starts at the mouth mainly consists of tongue, teeth, salivary glands, epiglottis, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine and ends at the anus. In the mouth, the ingested food is mixed with saliva and chewed using teeth with the help of tongue. The process of digestion starts when the enzymes in the saliva start to break down the food in the mouth. This food is then swallowed down through esophagus and passed into the stomach. During swallowing, epiglottis prevents the food from entering in to the lungs. The stomach contains gastric acid which mixes with the food and broke it down into smaller components. It is then passed into the small intestine where most of the digestion takes place. In the small intestine, the food is again broken down into smaller molecules by the use of bile ( produced by liver ) stored in the gall bladder and various enzymes produced by pancreas. The inner wall ( mucosa ) of the small intestine is lined with epithelial tissues which have finger-like projections called villi, which contains a network of capillaries and lymphatic vessels (lacteals). Nutrients are then transported to these capillaries and lymphatic vessels from the epithelial cells of the villi by a process called diffusion. The folded structure of the villi increase the surface area available for the nutrient absorption. This blood is pumped through the circulatory system to deliver the essential nutrients to other organs. The undigested and unabsorbed food passes into the large intestine where water and some minerals are reabsorbed back into the blood . The waste products of digestion in the large intestine are eliminated through the anus.