1. The problems in the above pseudocode include (but not limited to) the following
1. The end year is not properly represented.
2. Though, the factor of 5 is declared, it's not implemented as increment in the pseudocode
3. Incorrect use of control structures. (While ...... And .......Endif)
Start_Year = 2017
Kount = 1
While Kount <= 30
Display Start_Year
Start_Year = Start_Year + 5
Kount = Kount + 1
End While
3. Yes, by doing the following
* Apply increment of 5 to start year within the whole loop, where necessary
* Use matching control structures
While statement ends with End While (not end if, as it is in the question)
4. Using VBA
Dim Start_Year: Start_Year = 2017 ' Declare and initialise year to 2017
Dim Counter: Counter = 1 ' Declare and Initialise Counter to 1
While Count <= 30 ' Test Value of Counter; to check if the desired number of year has gotten to 30. While the condition remains value, the following code will be executed.
msgbox Start_Year ' Display the value of start year
Start_Year = Start_Year + 5 'Increase value of start year by a factor of 5
Counter = Counter + 1 'Increment Counter
5. Yes