The correct answer is Cash and Carry.
Step-by-step explanation:
Cash and carry ("Buy (take) and take (it)") is considered a commercial formula similar to an economato, evolved from traditional wholesale, with the particularity of addressing only and exclusively professionals (independent retailers and hoteliers) and operate on a free service basis. The retailer travels to the location of the wholesaler, chooses the items he needs, pays them and transports them, in front of the conventional procedure of placing the order to the wholesaler, so that he can transport it and serve it in the establishment of the retailer.
The concept of "Cash and Carry, wholesale self-service", is a commercial formula adapted to the needs of certain retailers, restaurants, cafes, hotels and other service providers, such as some institutions (HoReCa Sector, Hotels-Restaurants-Caterers). It is basically designed for professionals in the HoReCa sector, but it also accepts clients that are large consumers, such as institutions or educational centers.
In summary:
It is a wholesaler; that is, it never sells to an end consumer. To access a Cash and carry establishment, you must have a card or identification that proves the status of a retailer.
It has a commercial policy based on price and continuous offers.
Know your customers, their consumption and needs well.