The best way to do this is to use your LCM and eliminate the fractions. To find the LCM you have to use all the denominators as a multiplier so the denominator in each term cancels out. We will first factor the x-squared term to simplify and see what 2 factors are hidden there.
factors to (x + 2)(x - 2). That means that our 3 denominators that make up our LCM are x(x+2)(x-2). We will mulitply that in to each term in our rational equation, canceling out the denominators where applicable.
In the first term, the (x-2) will cancel leaving us with
x(x+2)[2] which simplifies to
In the second term, the (x+2)(x-2) cancels out leaving us with
In the last term, the x cancels out leaving us with
(x+2)(x-2)[5] which simplifies to
Now we will distribute through each cancellation:
Putting them all together we have
2x² + 4x + 7x = 5x² - 20
Combining like terms gives us a quadratic:
3x² - 11x - 20 = 0
Factor that however you find it easiest to factor quadratics and get that
x = 5 and x = -4/3