Answer: The answer is 4- All of the above.
Step-by-step explanation:
The numbers 1-3 are wrong because;
1- Homo rudolfensis and Homo habilis are not the same due to the fact that they both posses different characters. For example, Homo Rudolfensis was discovered having a larger brain size compared to Homo Habilis which is smaller, the teeth of Homo Rudolfensis are not preserved, they have square upper jaw, slightly developed brow ridge, they have a larger face which is also flat and longer. However, the Homo Habilis have small upper jaw with human like teeth, round upper jaw, strongly developed ridge brow and a small face which is not very flat.
2- Records show that Homo Erectus also dispersed into North America.
3 Fossil hominids have been dated to have existed about 7-8 million years ago