c. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that there is a significant difference between the means of the statistics day students and night students on Exam 2
Given that a statistics instructor believes that there is no significant difference between the mean class scores of statistics day students on Exam 2 and statistics night students on Exam 2.
Group Group One Group Two
Mean 75.8600 75.4100
SD 16.9100 19.7300
SEM 2.8583 3.2436
N 35 37
*SEM is std error/sqrt n
Mean difference = 0.4500

(two tailed test)
Std error for difference = 4.342
Test statistic t =

df =70
p value = 0.9178
Since p >0.05 we accept H0
c. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that there is a significant difference between the means of the statistics day students and night students on Exam 2