Lo primero que vi cuando llegué a casa fue la puerta, estaba abierta. Todas las luces estaban prendidas. La sala estaba ordenada, no vi nada fuera de lo normal. Luego fui al comedor. Vi que la mesa estaba puesta pero algunos platos y vasos estaban rotos. Caminé inmediatamente a los dormitorios; las camas no estaban hechas y dos lámparas estaban caídas en el suelo. Yo estaba tan desorientado que tuve que sentarme un momento. Mientras estaba sentado en la silla recordé que no había ido a la cocina. En la cocina, sobre la mesa, un mensaje estaba escrito en este papel...
Step-by-step explanation:
The exercise asks to use the verbs and complete de text in the participle. The participle is a non personal form of the verb that works as an adjective without losing its verb essence. For example: "las luces estaban prendidas" Prendidas is an adjective but it comes from the verb "prender".
This is the English translation:
The first thing I saw when I got home was the door, it was opened. All the lights were on. The living room was tidy, I didn't see anything out of place. Then I went to de dining room. I saw the table was arranged but some glasses and plates were broken. I immediately walked to the bedrooms; the bed weren't arranged and two lamps were fallen. I was so disoriented I had to sit for a while. While I was sitting I remembered I hadn't gone to the kitchen. In the kitchen, in the table, there was this message written on this paper...