The three evidences that Murchison cites to prove that Jonas’s tumor did not arise from the cells of his own body are DNA sequencing, the DNA of cancer cells from all numerous Tasmanian devils were the same, the cancer spread through bite of the devil.
Step-by-step explanation:
Elizabeth Murchison, an Oncology geneticist, conducted various researches to study about the spread of contagious cancer among Tasmanian devils.
Murchison conducted research on various devils like Jonas, Kimbo and studied how the cancer spread and invaded the devils.
The first thing that Murchison discovered was that the DNA sequence of the tumor cells was different from that of his own cells in his body. Further genetic profiling proved that the tumor cell sequence was similar to some other Tasmanian female devil, while the Jonas devil was a male.
The next thing she found was that all the cancer cells sampled from numerous Tasmanian devils were sharing the same DNA, which meant that it was spreading among the population of devils.
Since the Tasmanian devils are ferocious and bites each other, cancer must have spread through the saliva of each animal
Thus, Tasmanian devil cancer is a unique type of cancer that does not rise from one’s own cell but by spreading among its own population.