Check the following calculations
Step-by-step explanation:
a. Cost of Retained Earnings(Ke) = [Dividend (1+growth)/Market price] + growth Cost of Retained Earnings
=[1.26 (1+0.06)/40] + 0.06
b. Company Cost of New Common Stock
(Ks)=[Dividend (1+growth)/(Market price - floatation costs ] + growth Rate
=[1.26 (1+0.06)/(40-7)]+0.06
c. Cost of Preferred Stock
Kp=Prefered Dividend/(market price - Flotation cost)
d. cost of debt financing
Kd= [{Coupon +(FV-RV)/T}/(FV+RV)/2] x [1 - 0.40]
=[{100+(1000-1175)/5}/(1000+1175)/2] x [1-0.40]
=[65/1087.5] x 0.60
The maximum investment that Edna Recording Studios can make in new projects before it must issue new common stock
And maintaining the same capital structure
total capital fund before raised
that is out [4,200,000 - 1000,000 x 1.26] / 0.5 =$5,880,000
I WACC for the project that are finance from old fund
WACC= Ke x E/V +Kp x P/V + Kd x D/V
= 9.339 x 0.50 + 9.09 x 0.10 + 3.586 x 0.4
=7.0129% [this wacc is for procets finance from 0 to $5,880,000 FUND]
II WACC for the project that is financed from revised raised fund above $5,880,000. Assuming fund is raised from all the three sources like that maintain same ratio of capital structure means percentage of fund in the capital structure
WACC= Ke x E/V +Kp x P/V + Kd x D/V
= 10.047 x 0.50 + 9.09 x 0.10 + 3.586 x 0.4
=7.3669% [this wacc is for the projects from above $5,880,000]
Kp=Cost of preferred stock
Ke = cost of equity
Kd = cost of debt
D = market value of the firm’s debt
V = E + D+P
E/V = percentage of financing that is equity = 50%
D/V = percentage of financing that is debt=40%
P/V=Percentage of financing that is preferred stock=10%