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For each part below answer(i) state the name of relevant hypothesis test:– One sample z-test for proportion– One sample t-test for mean– Matched pairs t-test for mean of difference– Independent two sample t-test for difference of means– Independent two sample z-test for difference of proportions(ii) define parameter(s) of interest and state the null and alternative hypotheses.Example : To test the claim that Startbucks Coffee’s daily sale in Twin Cities is higher than that in Des Moines, IA, you randomly select 30 stores from each location and calculate the sample daily sales mean for each state.Answer : Independent two sample t-test for difference of means. µ1: mean daily sale of Startbucks coffee’s in Twin Cities µ2: mean daily sale of Startbucks coffee’s in Des Moines, IA H0 : µ1 = µ2 vs H1 : µ1 > µ2a. Past experience indicates that the time required for high school seniors to complete a standardized test is a normal random variable with a mean of 35 minutes. A researcher wants to test the claim that high school seniors from 2019 requires less amount of time than before. A random sample of 20 high school seniors took 33.1 minutes to complete this test.b. A marketing expert for a pasta-making company believes that more than 40% of pasta lovers prefer lasagna. To test this claim, the researcher collected a random sample of 20 pasta lovers. 9 out of 20 choose lasagna over other pastas.c. Forty-four sixth graders were randomly selected from a school district. Then, they were divided into 22 matched pairs, each pair having equal IQ’s. One member of each pair was randomly selected to receive special training. Then all of the students were given an IQ test. The researcher wants to test if the special training has any effect.d. In a winter of an epidemic flu, the parents of 2000 babies were surveyed by researchers at a wellknown pharmaceutical company to determine if the company’s new medicine was better than their old medicine after two days. Among 120 babies who had the flu and were given the new medicine, 29 were cured within two days. Among 280 babies who had the flu and were given the old medicine, 56 recovered within two days. Test the company’s claim. 1 STAT 3011 Homework 8 (Due: Sunday. Nov. 18, 2018) Fall 2018e. An experiment investigated whether cell phone use impairs drivers’ reaction times, using an sample of 64 students from the University of Utah. Students were randomly assigned to a cell phone group or to a control group, 32 to each. On a simulation of driving situations, a target flashed red or green at irregular periods. Participants pressed a brake button as soon as they detected a red light. The control group listened to radio or audio book while they performed the simulated driving. The experiment measured each group’s mean response time over many trials.

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Umm ?

User Sune
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