The correct answers are A) He worked to set an example of how a soldier and officer should act at all times. C) He showed extreme bravery and was known to lead from the front and expose himself to enemy fire. D) Lived in a tent just as the other men in the army were doing. G) He often put up with the same hardships and privations that his soldiers did.
The ways in that General George Washington inspired and served as an example for the soldiers and officers of the Continental Army were the following: He worked to set an example of how a soldier and officer should act at all times, he showed extreme bravery and was known to lead from the front and expose himself to enemy fire, he lived in a tent just as the other men in the army were doing and he often put up with the same hardships and privations that his soldiers did.
General George Washington had experience in the battlefield because he participated in the French and Indian Wars. So the Second Continental Congress named hin as the General of the Continental Army on June 14, 1775. Washington knew he had to use his abilities to the most to command an army that was disarticulated, poorly trained, and with lack of supplies and proper equipment.