1. sedentario
2. engordar
3. sufrir muchas presiones
4. fuerte
5. apurarse
6. estar enfermo
7. tranquilo
8. mantenerse en forma
Step-by-step explanation:
The exercise aims for you to practice antonyms. Antonyms are pair of words that have opposite meaning. Here is the translation of the pair of words used in this exercise:
active - sedentary
lose weight - gain weight
relieve stress - suffer many pressures
Weak - strong
slow - hurry up
be healthy - be sick
nervous - calm
coach potato - stay fit
Here are some other common antonyms used in Spanish:
To go in (entrar) – To go out (salir)
To sleep (dormir) – To wake up (despertar)
To spend (gastar) – To save (ahorrar)
To find (encontrar) – To lose (perder)
To get up (levantarse) – To lay down (acostarse)
To give (dar) – To receive (recibir)
To aprobe (aprobar) – To reject (rechazar)
To talk (hablar) – To be quiet (callar)
To write (escribir) – To erase (borrar)
To go up (subir) – To go down (bajar)
To laugh (reír) – To cry (llorar)
To leave (irse) – To stay (quedarse)
To love (amar) – To hate (odiar)
To buy (comprar) – To sell (vender)
To fill (llenar) – To empty (vaciar)
To teach (enseñar) – To learn (aprender)
To win (ganar) – To lose (perder)
To work (trabajar) – To rest (descansar)