The lack of education and the lack of birth control.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. The lack of education: The lack of education for girls is the primary reason of exceeding the population growth rate in developing countries than in developed countries. The more the educative a woman, the more the conscious that woman. Developing nations cannot afford to provide full education for their population. Moreover, many parents have the reluctance regarding the girl education that make the scenario difficult. Education promotes to a better lifestyle which encourages people to have fewer children.
2. The lack of birth control occurs due to the early marriage in developing nations. The educated people of developed nations control the birth rate as they have the knowledge of un-controlling birth rate can create problems such as food, cloths, and living places. From the discussion, it is clear that developed nations have the common sense to control the population. UN estimated that the combined population some countries is likely to be reach 1.7 billion in 2050 from 850 million.