The woman is experiencing schizophrenia and is displaying a positive symptom.
Step-by-step explanation:
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder primarily characterized by hallucinations and delusions, as well as a disorganization in speech, abnormal motor behavior and negative symptoms.
Let's break down the first two:
- Hallucinations: a perception without an external stimulus present. They come through the senses. An individual can hear voices (hearing hallucination) or see things (sight hallucination), for example.
- Delusion: a false belief which the individual tends to accept as the truth and reality. It can be paranoid, fear of persecution, reference and grandiose, amongst others.
Mental disorders tend to have 2 types of symptoms:
- Positive: an added trait, such as the hallucinations and delusions.
- Negative: a removed trait, loss of it, such as apathy, no energy to do anything and anhedonia, amongst others.
In this case, the woman has the delusion that an eagle is a secret spy for her husband and has the hallucination that it makes a shotgun sound. Her belief that the eagle delivers her check is perceived as her reality.
The woman is displaying positive symptoms of schizophrenia, understood as the hallucinations and delusions.