The order goes:
- Oral
- An al
- Phallic
- Latent
- Genital
Step-by-step explanation:
Freud centers on the idea that an individual psychological development comes through these 5 psychosexual stages. Let's break them down:
- Oral (0-1 year). During this stage, everything centers around the baby's mouth; it's its way of knowing the world and exploring. This is the way to satisfy the Id.
- An al (1-3 years). This is the stage in which the child learns about control by controlling his/her sphincters. The pleasure centers on defecating.
- Phallic (3-6 years). This is the stage known for the Oedipus and Electra Complex. In simple terms, the child develops a special bond and sort of love to his mother or her father. Since that is forbidden, he/she in turn decides to identify with his/her same sex parents to avoid the guilt and fear of castration.
- Latent (6 years- puberty). Most of the sexual impulses become repressed during this stage; the libido is contained. A child therefore centers his/her libido to the search of new abilities or development of skills.
- Genital (puberty- adulthood). The individual begins experimenting sexually, taking an interest in the topic. The sexual instincts come out in the look for a parter, a more external pleasure search.