Part a) Camilo is 34 years old and Juan is 28 years old
Part b) The difference between Camilo's age and Juan's age is 6 years
Part c) The sum of the ages of Camilo and Juan not coincide with the age of Andres' grandmother
The question in English is
If Camilo is 6 years older than Juan, Juan is 7 years younger than Andrés and Andrés is 35 years old .
Part a) How old is Camilo and how old is Juan? raises the equation.
Part b) What's the difference between Camilo's age and Juan's age?
Part c) If Andres's grandmother is 65 years old, does the sum of the ages of Camilo and Juan coincide with the age of Andres' grandmother?
Part a) How old is Camilo and how old is Juan? raises the equation.
x -----> Camilo's age
y -----> Juan's age
z -----> Andres's age
we know that
-----> equation A
-----> equation B
-----> equation C
Find the value of y
substitute the value of z in the equation B

Find the value of x
substitute the value of y in the equation A
Camilo is 34 years old and Juan is 28 years old
Part b) What's the difference between Camilo's age and Juan's age?
Subtract Juan's age from Camilo's age

Part c) If Andres's grandmother is 65 years old, does the sum of the ages of Camilo and Juan coincide with the age of Andres' grandmother?
Adds Camilo's age and Juan's age

The sum of the ages of Camilo and Juan not coincide with the age of Andres' grandmother