Ancient texts like Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet that have inspired and influenced writers and artists are referred to as Archetypes. Thus, the right answer is Option B.
Archetype is a particular action, a character or a situation that appears to represent comprehensive patterns of human nature. This universal symbol can also stand for a theme, setting or symbol. The reappearances of archetypes in human culture give a backbone to the structure and function of a literary work.
The same is seen in Shakespeare’s work Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare created characters and situations which people could relate to. The literary archetypes in Romeo and Juliet include the voices of reason and the mentor, star-crossed lovers, controlling parents, law-keeper, hopeless romantic, wise-cracking friend, catalyst and the bumbling fool.
In Hamlet, the archetype is the vengeful and tragic hero that develops throughout all forms of literature. The archetypes here involve King Claudius, Hamlet, Laertes, Ophelia, Gertrude and Horatio.