Step-by-step explanation:
Formal command in Spanish language -- commands in Spanish language are usually used when we want to order something or to simply tell someone to do something. People refer to it as '' imperative '' form of the verb.
In this type of command, usted/ustedes always comes after the verb.
1. take good notes -- tome usted las notas buenas.
go to school on time -- venga usted al colegio a tiempo.
listen to the teacher -- escuche usted la profesora.
do your homework -- haga usted sus deberes.
study a lot -- estudie usted mucho.
2. don't leave school early -- no salga usted temprano de la escuela.
don't eat in class -- no coma usted en la clase.
don't sleep in class -- no duerma usted en la clase.
don't be rude to the teachers -- no se ponga usted mal con los profesores.
don't drink in class -- no beba usted en el clase.
verbs: tomar, venir, escuchar, hacer, estudiar, salir, comer, dormir, poner, beber.
AR -- tomar, escuchar, estudiar -- verbs that belong to the first group of verbs as they end in AR, and they are regular verbs.
ER -- hacer, comer, poner, beber -- verbs in Spanish language that end in ER belong to the second groups of verb. They are regular verbs.
IR -- venir, salir, dormir -- they belong to the third group of verbs as they end in ER. Venir and dormir are irregular verbs, salir is only irregular in the commands and in the first person.