Price Tax Rate Tax
$299 4% $11.96
$6,750 7% $472.5
$76.50 5.2% $3.98
$18.32 3.9% $0.71
$5.95 6.2% $0.37
$13.89 4.3% $0.60
$768.43 3.7% $28.43
$6.49 5.8% $0.38
$23.86 7.1% $1.69
$12.98 3.9% $0.51
Sales tax is computed as the product of the price times the tax rate in % divided by 100:
Sales tax = price × tax rate / 100
Here is each compute:
$299 × 4% = $299 × 4/100 = $11.96
$6,750 × 7% = $6,750 × 7/100 = $ 472.50
$76.50 × 5.2% = $76.50 × 5.2/100 = $3.98
$18.32 × 3.9% = $18.32 × 3.9/100 = $0.71
$5.95 × 6.2% = $5.95 × 6.2/100 = $0.37
$13.89 × 4.3% = $13.89 × 4.3/100 = $0.60
$768.43 × 3.7% = $768.43 × 3.7/100 = $28.43
$6.49 × 5.8% = $6.49 × 5.8/100 = $0.38
$23.86 × 7.1% = $23.86 × 7.1/100 = $1.69
$12.98 × 3.9% = $0.51