The epithelium is the tissue that presents and made covering of all over the body and lining of the alimentary canal. These tissues form all the body surfaces covering hollow organs and cavities. There are several types of epithelium present and perform specific functions.
1. Simple cuboidal epithelium - secretion and reabsorption
2.Simple squamous epithelium - diffusion and filtration
3.Simple columnar epithelium - protection and absorption
4. Stratified squamous epithelium - protective layers help in preventing water and other substances.
5. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium - secretes mucus to trap particles and cilia sweep entrapped particles up and out of the body,
6. Stratified columnar epithelium - protective lining of larger ducts,
7. Stratified cuboidal epithelium - protective lining of ducts,
8. Glandular epithelium - produce and release substances body fluids and ducts.
9. Transitional epithelium - makes the inner lining of the ureters and urinary bladders.