4. Ella se los dio.
1. Nosotros lo recogimos.
2. Ellos se la entregaron.
3. Ella se los compró.
4. Él me los dio.
Step-by-step explanation:
4. La maestra dio dulces a los estudiantes.
The teacher gave sweets to the students.
In order to choose the correct short forms, we must first look for nouns:
the first noun is maestra. It is feminine and it acts as the subject so we choose the option ella.
Dulces isn the direct object of the verb dar and is masculine. It is in its plural form so it should be replaced with the pronoun los.
A los estudiantes acts as the indirect object. It is in plural so the corresponding form is les. BUT since there are two third person pronouns in a sentence (les / los), the indirect pronoun must be transformed in its alternative form se. Also it should always precede the direct object pronoun: ella se los dio.
1. Nosotros recogimos dinero para los pobres.
We are collecting money for the poor.
Nosotros is the subject but it's already a pronoun so it stays the same.
Dinero acts as the direct object of the sentence. It is a masculine noun in its singular form so the correct form is lo.
Since para los pobres should not be used, the corrected sentence is: nosotros lo recogimos (otherwise it would be nosotros SE lo recogimos).
2. Los estudiantes entregaron la tarea a la maestra.
The students submitted the homework to the teacher.
Los estudiantes is a masculine noun in its plural form. It acts as the subject of the sentence, so we use the subject pronoun ellos.
La tarea is a feminine noun in its singular form. It is the direct object of the verb entregar and we must use the direct object pronoun la.
A la maestra serves the indirect object of the sentence and therefore its corresponding pronoun would be le BUT here again we have two juxtaposed (placed side by side) third person object pronouns, and the indirect one becomes se: ellos SE la entregaron.
3. Laura compró unos perritos para sus hijos.
Laura bought some puppies for her kids.
Laura is a feminine noun (name) in its singular and acts as the subject so we replace it with ella.
Unos perritos is a masculine noun in its plural form. It is the direct object and the correct pronoun should be los.
Para sus hijos is a masculine noun in its plural form and since it acts as the indirect object of the sentence, its corresponding pronoun is les BUT since we have two object pronouns for the third person, it takes the form se: ella SE los compró.
4. Mi perro me dio muchos besitos.
My dog gave me many kisses.
Mi perro is a masculine noun in its singular form and is a subject of this sentence. Therefore we use the pronoun él.
Me refers to the first person's indirect object form. It stays as it is!
Muchos besitos is the direct object of the sentence. It is a masculine noun in its plural form and should be replaced with the pronoun los.
The indirect object pronoun ALWAYS goes first and here we have: él me los dio.