It is true that developed contries pollute a lot more than developing countries, for example, the carbon footprint in the United States sits currently at around 50 tonnes of carbon per person, per year. However, this fact does not invalidate the opinion that population growth should be reduced in developing countries.
Some developing countries have colossal populations. For example, Chila has 1.4 billion people, India has 1.3 billion people and Brazil has over 200 million people. If these countries do not reduce population growth, they will add a lot of people to an already strained enviroment. Besides, developing countries are getting richer, and as countries get richer, carbon footprints increase because people demand more goods and services.
The best strategy to tackle enviromental degradation is to reduce population growth in developing countries, while at the same time promoting the green economy, so that both advanced and emergent nations can benefit from sustainable economic growth.