Brain injury leads to extensive debris in the area. Microglia mitotically divided into large numbers right before death and aggregated to clean up the damaged area.
Step-by-step explanation:
In order to answer the question, we need to review the functions of various neuroglia or glial cells. These cells do not conduct nerve impulses but assist neurons in their proper functioning. Astrocytes, microglia, ependymal cells, oligodendrocytes, schwann cells are examples glial cells.
Astrocytes provide structural support to neurons. They are also responsible for scavenging ions and maintaining a suitable chemical environment for neuronal functions.
Microglia are glial cells which are actually resident monocytes of nervous system. They perform phagocytosis of pathogens, particulate matter and damaged neurons.
Ependymal cells are also neuroglia. CSF is secreted by ependymal cells in choriod plexus.
Oligodendrocytes myelinate the axons in central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). It should be noted that axons in peripheral nervous system ( peripheral nerves and ganglia) are myelinated by schwann cells.
Going back to the answer choices with this knowledge, it is quite easy to pick out wrong ones and identify the correct choice.
Microglia serve to myelinate the axons in the CNS; however, increased levels of microglia can have effects of over myelination and disrupt the integrity of brain tissue, thus causing damage
This is the wrong answer choice, oligodendrocytes myelinate axons.
The microglia rapidly divide and produce large quantities of CSF to clean up the area by washing out the debris.
This is also wrong, ependymal cells in choroid plexus are responsible for producing CSF.
Brain injury leads to extensive debris in the area. Microglia mitotically divided into large numbers right before death and aggregated to clean up the damaged area.
This is the right answer choice. After insult to the brain, microglia within the brain divide and function to clear up debris. Monocytes within the blood circulation also enter brain to become microglia.
Microglia holds and supports the brain. The rapid growth of microglia can hinder the growth of normal neurons. In this situation, they divided so rapidly that they led to permanent brain damage in which life could not be sustained.
This is the wrong answer choice. Astrocytes are responsible for providing structural support to the nervous tissue.