The gods are to be feared. (C)
This is NOT a main belief of Hinduism.
It is not a belief that the Hindu gods are to be feared. They need to be worshipped. One will have the sense of fear when they are doing something wrong or inacceptable. One has to fear god in order to restrain ourselves from doing anything bad or wrong. This doesn't mean gods are to be feared only. It means one must love god and one must have the fear of losing him also.
We need to live our life in a right manner in order to refrain from the wrath of the god. In Hinduism, people strongly believe in reincarnation. They often thought that there are seven lives for a person and whatever good and bad they do in the present life will affect their future form of life.
It is believed that the Hindu gods mostly take human forms and live the life of humans in order to show them the right path. According to Hinduism, there are numerous gods but they only consider three as the important ones among all.