22. Making them aware that there are several shades of gray, not just black and white with examples that surround them.
23. My belief in God is not justified if you want a material proof of HIS existence. It is justified by faith and simply by observing the miracle of giving birth and experiencing it. The ones that are justified would be the family for example. I´ve seen and experienced how strong and united families go through trouble.
24. I will live it fully and keep on learning, searching, improving.
25. I think it´s more important to help myself, my family, my society and the world in that order.
26. I think the most important goal every person should have is to be happy.
Step-by-step explanation:
22. Watch people on the street, how they speak, how they refer to others. Point out the different beliefs, how children see their parents in different cultures at different ages.
23. It´s justified by seeing a jungle, a waterfall, all Nature itself. By feeling my heart beat every second,
24. This means being my best self in all aspects: as a woman, as a mother, a wife, a teacher, a grandmother, neighbor, citizen, and so on
25. By helping myself, I help my family. If I am a good person who tries to do good to others, if I am honest, responsible, ethic, then I am a good example to my family, to my neighbors, and so on.
26. I mean being happy with oneself, with what you do, with the people surrounding you, and contributing to change if something is not like it should.