Step-by-step explanation:
TADPOLE: The eggs are fertilized, the tadpoles that will hatch from these eggs, will live in the water surface. They respiration through their gills not lungs they resemble a small fish.
MATURING TADPOLE: It will continues to grow and changes over the next weeks. It will also start to develop by hind legs.
TOADLET: As the tadpole continues maturing,other changes occur in the body of toad. the gills forms into lungs and lungs begin to develop as the fore arm. By the early months of 3, the tadpole become a toad let; it can breathe oxygen now, the process of changing the tadpole to baby toad is called metamorphosis.
ADULT TOAD: IN 12 TO 14 week, the new toad become an adult, this toad will ready to mate, most of the toad lives for 5 to 10 years.