a. Short-term
b. Long-term
c. Long-term
d. Short-term
e. Long-term
Step-by-step explanation:
a. A worker laid off because of bad weather is unemployed for the short term as he will be employed when the weather gets better.
b. A worker unemployed in an isolated area is likely to remain unemployed for the long term as there may not be many employment opportunities there. He needs to move somewhere else to find a job.
c. A stagecoach worker is most likely to remain unemployed for the long term as the industry he works in is shrinking. He is structurally unemployed. He needs to acquire new skills to get a job in another industry.
d. A short-order cook is unemployed for the short term, he is likely to find a job at another restaurant. He can also get a job at the newly opened restaurant.
e. An expert welder with little formal education is likely to be unemployed for the long term. He does not have adequate training and skills to match up with new technology. He needs to get additional training and skill to find a job.