- (a) What are the portfolio weights of the three stocks in your portfolio?
Stock Weights
Apple 30%
Cisco 19%
Colgate 51%
TOTAL 100%
- (b) What is the expected return of your portfolio?
Stock Expected Ret. Portfolio
Apple 3,6%
Cisco 1,9%
Colgate 4,1%
Portfolio 9,6%
- (c) What are the new portfolio weights?
Stock Weights
Apple 30%
Cisco 24%
Colgate 45%
TOTAL 100%
- (d) what is the expected return of the portfolio at the new prices?
Stock Expected Ret. Portfolio
Apple 3,6%
Cisco 2,4%
Colgate 3,6%
TOTAL 9,7%
Step-by-step explanation:
- (a) What are the portfolio weights of the three stocks in your portfolio?
To calculate the portfolio weights it's necessary to know the total value by Stock of the portfolio, with the information available about share prices and sharea outstanding is possible to find the total value of the portfolio and the weights of each share.
Stock Value Weights
Apple $309,000 30%
Cisco $200,000 19%
Colgate $530,000 51%
TOTAL $1,039,000 100%
- (b) What is the expected return of your portfolio?
The Expected Return of the portfolio it's related to the weights of each stock, with the information about the Expected Return and the Weights of each stock it's possible to know the Expected Return of the Portfolio.
Stock Exp Return Value Weights Exp. Ret. Portfolio
Apple 12% 309.000 30% 3,6%
Cisco 10% 200.000 19% 1,9%
Colgate 8% 530.000 51% 4,1%
TOTAL 1.039.000 100% 9,6%
When the value of each share changes, this impacts the total value of the portfolio and current weights, then changes the Expected Return of the portfolio.