Arago experimentally proved bright spot.
Fresnel is credited for the solution of wave nature of light.
Step-by-step explanation:
It was Poisson who showed that Fresnel's wave model of light and predicted a bright spot in the very center of a circular shadow, which he interpreted as an absurd result. But the credit to prove it experimentally goes to Arago he also gives strong evidence towards the wave theory of light,which are coherent and have a central bright spot.
Later in his honor that spot is also called Arago bright spot.
And the mathematical solution for the wave nature of light is explained by Fresnel and Huygen combined called Huygens-Fresnel principle.
So from the option we will go with Fresnel.
It was Arago who experimentally prove dthe central bright spot.
And Fresnel gives the mathematical solution of wave nature of light.