mirrors : convergent mirror
lens : convex lens
Step-by-step explanation:
mirrors : concave mirror gives upside down images everytime except when the object is located in front of F (focal point)
- The object is located beyond C
- image will be located in between the F and C
- inverted image.
- reduced in size
- real image
2. The object is located between C and F or on C
- Image will be located between C and F
- inverted
- larger than the object dimensions.
- real image
- (when the object is @ C , image size = object size )
3. The object is located in front of F
- image will be located behind the mirror
- upright image
- magnified
- virtual image
- (when the object is located @ F ,no image is formed )
lens : convex lens gives upside down images everytime except when the object is located in between in front of F (focal point)
The properties of images
- varies depending on the position of the object.
- distance > 2F (when the object is far away)
- Real
- Diminished
- Inverted
- smaller than the object
- occurs in the opposite side of the lens
- F < distance < 2F (object approaches the lens)
- Real
- Inverted
- gets magnified when approaching the focal point (Image size = object size at 2F point. this becomes gradually enlarged and get infinitely large @ F point )
- distance < F ( object passes the focal point )
- Virtual
- Erected
- Magnified
- occurs in the same side of the lens.(magnifying glass is one example which uses this formation, mentioned in graph 2 )
Characteristics of the images of each mirror and lens are mentioned in tables for further reference