#Define the function
def farecalc(distance_of_journey):
#declare all constants
distTraveled = int(distance_of_journey)
firstmile = 3#dolars
lessThan10miles = 0.25#dollars
greaterThan10miles = 0.10#dollars
fare = 0
#for every distance greater than 1 mile the while loop will execute
while distTraveled > 1:
if distTraveled <= 10:
fare = fare + lessThan10miles
distTraveled = distTraveled - 1
fare = fare + 0.10
distTraveled = distTraveled - 1
fare = fare + firstmile
return fare
print('Your fare is $',farecalc(1),)
Step-by-step explanation:
The functions is defined and it receives an argument which is the distance that is traveled. All the constants that will be used to calculate this distance are also defined.
This is where the calculation takes place, The while loop ensures that every distance greater than 1 mile will be calculated because the first mile has a constant price of 3 dollars.
In your question, you specified the fare should be returned in dollars therefore, 25 cents = 0.25 dollars and 10 cents = 0.1 dollars.
"Each additional mile up to a total trip distance of 10 miles is 25 cents per mile"
the statement above is is handled by the if statement, it executes the if block for all distances less than or equal to 10.
" Each additional mile over 10 miles is 10 cents per mile"
the statement above is is handled by the else block, it executes when the distance traveled is greater than 10.
- The fare is rounded up to its nearest integer
- The first mile (3 dollars) is added to the existing fare
- The fare final value is returned i.e when the function is called it will return the value of the fare as the answer.
- The function is then called to test the code