Glycogen phosphorylase kinase (GPK) that plays an important role in glycogenolysis. The enzyme release the glucose 1- phosphate from the alpha-1,4-glycosidic bond.
The alpha and beta subunit of cell line A get changed. GPK activates in case when the phosphorylation is removed or Ca2+-Calmodulin is eliminated. A cell line has reversed the Ca2+•Calmodulin activity dependent on GPK. This cell line only requires the calcium level back into cytosol. The cell line B PKA ( protein kinase A) activation that are dependent on GPK is slowoly reversed in the absence of the calcium ion beacuse protein dehydrogenase 1 (PDK) is not get activated. This causes the fall in cAMP level slowly and allow the longer persistence of the PKA activity & GPK phosphorylation.
Thus, the answer is In cell line "A" certain S or Ts on the α+ β subunits of GPK were changed to A. In cell line "B"; the ER Ca2+ channels could not bind IP3.