1. Once millones trecientos treinta y ocho mil ciento treinta y ocho (11.338.138)
2. Dos millones ciento treinta mil (2,130,000)
3. Mil novecientos ochenta y dos (1982)
4. Sesenta y cuatro mil novecientos sesenta y ocho (64,968)
5.Trescientas veinte (320)
6.Mil novecientos veintiséis (1926)
Step-by-step explanation:
This exercise aims for practicing numbers ins spanish (hundreds, thousands and millions- cientos, miles y millones) Here is the tranlation of the complete sentences:
There are 11.338.138 inhabitants on the island of Cuba.
There are 2,130,000 inhabitants in Havana.
In 1982, Old Havana was declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The area of Cuba is 64,968 square miles.
The Cuban bee hummingbird is one of the more than 320 species of hummingbird in the world.
In 1926 Fidel Castro was born.