int employees; //set integer type variable
int a,b; //set two integer type variable
int wage=0; //initialize integer type variable
int hours=0; //initialize integer type vcariable
cin >> employees; //get input from the user
for (a=1; a<=employees; a++){ //set for loop
cin >> wage; //get input from the user
for (b=1; b<=5; b++){ //set for loop
cin >> hours; //get input from the user
total += hours * wage; //perform multiplication
Step-by-step explanation:
Here, we define four integer type variable "a", "b", "wage" "hour" and assign value in "wage" to 0 and "hours" to 0.
Then, we get input from the user in the variable "employees".
Then, we set the for loop and pass the condition inside it we get input from the user in the variable "wage".
Then, again we set the for loop and pass the condition inside it we get input from the user in the variable "hours".
Then, we perform addition and the multiplication.