Answer:b. microaggressions.
Step-by-step explanation:
Microaggressions are based on verbal and non verbal snubs or insults which occurs intentionally or unintentionally which tends to communicate hostility or negativity towards a marginalized group of people .
This may be an attack of their identity or may me demeaning , showing that they don't mean much as other human beings do, it may be threatening or making them inferior as compared to the non marginalized group.
What Do Microaggressions Look Like?
Marginalized population ranges from gender, sexuality,race, disabilities, religious minorities and many other marginalized groups
Let us see examples :
Racial Microaggressions
Edward above shows this microaggression because he doesn't associate himself with any race so he probably doesn't think high of any other race except his own.
Another common example is a white person clinging onto his or her wallet when a black male person passes by. The thinking behind this is all black man at criminals
An Asian American who was born and grew up in America ,present a speech in English and everyone is like "wow your English is perfect" This means just because they are Asian they are not considered to be original citizens of America.