Answer:it depends on what you want more, convinance or style. if you want to have the carmra because it looks stylelis or " aethetic " then get the camra. if you want convinance, get the printer, because you can get the same photos exept from you phone, which is smaller, lighter, and easyer to carry around. if you have a phone with a bad blurry carma, then by the other camra, because it will take better photos. but with the other camra, you cant see while your takeing a picture, nor try to take it again if you mess up,as the film usually costs roughly 1$ per picture. that leads me to my last point the cost. the camra is much cheaper than than the primte, the printer being 45$ and the printer being 99$. in my personal opinion, i would get the camra, but it all depemds on what your going for.
Hope this helps!! have a good day :)