def typoglycemia():
import random
punct = (".", ";", "!", "?", ",")
count = 0
new_word = ""
inputfile = input("Enter input file name:")
with open(inputfile, 'r') as fin:
for line in fin.readlines(): #Read line by line in txt file
for word in line.split(): # Read word by word in each line
if len(word) > 3: # If word length >3
'''If word ends with punctuation, Remove first letter, last letter and punctuation
shuffle the words: Add the removed letters at their respective positions'''
if word.endswith(punct):
word1 = word[1:-2]
word1 = random.sample(word1, len(word1))
word1.insert(0, word[0])
''' If there is no punctuation mark: Remove first and last letter.
Shuffle the word then add removed letters at their respective position'''
word1 = word[1:-1]
word1 = random.sample(word1, len(word1))
word1.insert(0, word[0])
new_word = new_word + ''.join(word1) + " "
''' If word length <3, just append the word and " " to the the previous words'''
new_word = new_word + word + " "
with open((inputfile[:-4] + "scrambled.txt), 'a+') as fout:
fout.write(new_word + "\\")
new_word = ""