1.No conduzcas más rápido. Para el carro.
2. No pongas el radio. Háblame.
3. No almuerces ahora. Come más tarde.
4. No saques los discos compactos. Maneja con cuidado.
5. No estaciones el carro en esta calle. Piensa en otra opción.
6. No vuelvas a esa gasolinera. Arregla el carro en un taller.
7. No leas el mapa. Pídele ayuda a aquella señora.
8. No duermas en el carro. Acuéstate en una cama.
Step-by-step explanation:
This exercise aims for practicing making sentences in imperative negative with the personal pronoun Tú conjugation.
The imperative or imperativo in Spanish is used to give commands or orders. You may recognize the imperative from commands such as oye or repite. It is one of three moods in the Spanish language. Unlike the other moods, the imperative is not divided into tenses. Keep in mind that the imperative is a very direct way to give an order. It is often replaced with more polite alternatives like the conditional.
The formulation with the different regular verbs is such as:
Regular -ar verbs:
nosotros/as hablemos
tú habla/ no hables
usted hable ustedes hablen
Regular -er and -ir verbs:
nosotros/as digamos
tú digas
usted diga ustedes digan