He can buy 2 outfits
How to arrive at the answer is: Since it says that Mr. Trager bought a new bike for $273.98. Subtract $ 273.98 from $ 500.00. The answer is $ 226.02. Then it says he bought 3 bike reflectors for $ 7.23.To find how much the bike reflectors cost, multiply 7.23 by 3. The answer is $21.69. Then subtract $ 21.69 from $ 226.02. The answer is $ 204.33. Then it says he bought a helmet for $ 42.36. Subtract $ 42.36 from $ 204.33. The answer is $ 161.97. Then it says he plans to buy cycling outfits for $ 78.12 each. To find out how many he can buy, subtract $ 78.12 until you can't anymore. You can subtract $ 78.12 once and the answer is $ 83.85. It looks like we can subtract one more time. Then we subtract $ 78.12 again, and he has $ 5.73 left. We subtracted twice, so he can buy 2 outfits.