Ancient Sparta is an example of an aristocratic state, which, in order to suppress the discontent of a huge mass of bonded population (helots), restrained the development of private property and successfully maintained equality among the Spartans themselves. The political system was based on strict regulation of the duties and rights of a citizen, forming a multi-stage regulation of life. First of all, the public education of the child was envisaged as a condition for obtaining civil rights. The main task of the system of unwritten rules, which the Spartans associated with the name of Lycurgus, was to maintain the unity and solidity of the civic collective. The Spartans were called "equals." The laws of Lycurgus resolutely suppressed the potential possibilities of the property stratification of Spartan society, which could shake its unity. The Spartans were forbidden any other occupation than military affairs.
The basic principle of Confucian ethics is the concept of humanity as the highest law of the relationship between people in society and the family. It is achieved through moral self-improvement on the basis of whether or not ("etiquette") - norms of behavior based on respect for elders by age and position, respect for parents, devotion to the emperor, politeness, etc. The fundamental principles of Confucius philosophy are love for neighbor, humanism and noble thinking, based on the internal and external culture of human. The central problems that Confucianism considers are questions about streamlining relations between rulers and subjects, moral qualities that a ruler and subordinate must possess, etc.
In Sparta, moral principles were not given much attention - on the contrary, children from childhood were taught to steal and even kill in order to get their own food.
The Spartan dictatorship, with its equalization and cruel laws, naturally fell into decay, while Confucian values even today direct the rapid rush of innovative technologies in the right direction and clearly, in accordance with moral and social criteria, contribute to harmonizing the development of modern Chinese society. Confucianism creates a balance between traditional and innovative forces. Thanks to this, the development of modern Chinese society is becoming more stable and harmonious.
However, the Spartan political structure of the point of contact with legalism is the philosophical school, also known as the School of Lawyers. The main idea of the school was the equality of all before the Law and the Son of Heaven, which resulted in the idea of distributing titles not by birth, but by real merit, like in Sparta
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