9 years to hours is 78888 hours
Given that we need to convert 9 years to hours
We convert 9 years into hours by converting years to days, days to hours.
Let us see the calculation. So, take the term 9 years.
![9 year = 9 * 1year](https://img.qammunity.org/2020/formulas/mathematics/middle-school/fskdsjig1xb8u54o7u9letmthwjouqdkvu.png)
1 year has 365 days. But when we observe carefully, a span of 9 years has 2 leap years
Leap year: A year, occurring once every four years, that has 366 days
Now considering two leap years in a span of 9 years , we get,
![\rightarrow 9 * 1 \text { year }=9 * 365 \text { days }=3285 \text { days }](https://img.qammunity.org/2020/formulas/mathematics/middle-school/xeda6ud07y6fc2auov5nmb3p7aenwaq4dd.png)
we can add extra day in a leap years in next step
3285 + 2 days = 3287 days
We know that one day has 24 hours.
![3287 * 1 \text { day }=3287 * 24 \text { hours } = 78888 hours](https://img.qammunity.org/2020/formulas/mathematics/middle-school/66hxs0sg53v1o4l4lw5o2dil4pva42swix.png)
Hence 9 years in hours is 78888 hours