1) Hypothalmus: .D) Synthesizes some hormones that are released into blood vessels bound for another gland - G) Synthesizes oxytocin and ADH - H) Integrates nervous and endocrine systems.
2) Posterior Pituitary Gland: A) Releases oxytocin - F) Is an extension of the Hypothalmus
3) Anterior Pituitary Gland: B) Synthesizes and releases PRL - C) Synthesizes and releases TSH - E) Regulated by hormones released into portal blood vessels
Step-by-step explanation:
The hypothalamus is the source of at least nine hormones that act stimulating on inhibiting other hormones secretion.
The first hypothalamic hormone discovered is the thyrotropin-releasing hormone, TRH, that stimulates the thyrotropin release by the hypophysis. Another important hormone is the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone, GnRH, that controls the release of gonadotrophic hormones, such as LH and FSH. The somatostatin hormone inhibits the release of somatotrophin hormone from the hypophysis. The oxytocin and the antidiuretic hormone are also secreted and released by the hypothalamus and collected by the posterior hypophysis from where they are then released again to the system.
The hypothalamus secretes hormones directly into capillaries forward to the anterior hypophysis. Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone, instead, go to the posterior hypophysis through nerve fibers.
The hypophysis gland, also known as the pituitary gland, is located under the hypothalamus which controls the hypophysis. It is considered to be the master gland as it acts as a source of hormones that stimulates different organs. The hypophysis is conformed of three lobules: anterior, intermediate, and posterior.
The anterior lobule releases somatotrophin, prolactin, trophic hormones such as thyrotropin or TSH, ACTH, and gonadotrophins such as FSH and LH.
The posterior lobule collects and release the hormones secreted by the hypothalamus, such as oxytocin and ADH.
The hypophysis and the hypothalamus are both controlled by other parts of the nervous system.