Thallophytes, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms
Step-by-step explanation:
- Plants do not have well differentiated body as stem, leaves and roots.
- This mostly includes algae
- These plants are mostly aquatic
- Mostly they are attachd to surface
- Examples includes Ulva, Ulothrix, Spirogyra.
- Body has only two parts namely stem and leaves.
- The different part of plant which are immersed will take the water directly they are called as amphibians(plants) .
- Their is no proper vascular system for conduction of water.
- The plant part immersed in water will absorbs the water directly
- Examples includes Marchantia, funaria(moss)
- They have well differentiated plant body (stem), leaves nd roots.
- Have specialized system called as vascular system for water conduction
- They help in transportation of water from one part of the plant to other part of the plant.
- They have hidden reeproductive organs callled as phanerograms
- Examples includes marselia, ferns.
- Gymno means naked, sperms means seeds
- Mostly perennials
- They are evergreen and woody
- Mostly grown for ornamental purpose
- Examples includes cycas, pines
- Angio means covered, germs means seeds
- Also called as flowering plants
- Have cotyledons for embryo developments
- Based on cotyledons divided into monocots and dicots
- These cotyledons are also called as seed leaves which nurtures the embryo to develop.