The temperature decreases with the rise in altitude in the troposphere.
The temperature increases with the rise in altitude in the stratosphere.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Troposphere is the layer of atmosphere, closest to the ground.
- It has maximum number of gases.
- Troposphere gets heated up due to the radiations reflecting back from earth.
- That means the layer of troposphere nearer to the earths surface is warmer than the higher layers.
- Thus the temperature decreases with rise in altitude in the troposphere.
- Troposphere is followed by a troposphere. This is a transition zone between troposphere and stratosphere. Here no changes takes place with rise in altitude.
- Second layer of atmosphere, that lies next to troposphere is stratosphere.
- Stratosphere has similar composition as that of the troposphere except for the presence of the layer of ozone in it.
- The stratosphere gets heated up due to the trapping of heat by the ozone layer.
- Ozone gets heated up due to the ultraviolet radiations of the sun.
- That means the higher layers of the stratosphere is more heated up than the lower layers.
- Thus, With increase in altitude the temperature also increases in the stratosphere.