The two expeditions sponsored by Prince Henry of Portugal are an expedition to Cape Bojodar and the other led by Capitan Gil Eannes to South of Bojodar.
During 1424 to 1434, he sent 15 expeditions, but none of them succeeded in navigating south of cape Bojodar, this was the first European ship to pass the cape and sail south. The above invention marked the beginning of Africa's Portuguese exploration.
John Cabot's voyage was sponsored by King Henry VII, finding ways to connect with the spice trade. He predicted that this path should be quicker and easier than that which Columbus had recently found. There Gil Eannes discovered no folks, only a few rugged plants which he returned as evidence of his personal achievement to Portugal.
Henry is called the Prince Henry Navigator but he never navigated any ship but he established an institute for Navigation. He gathered geologists, astronomers from all over the Europe. He is renowned for the exploration trips he coordinated and sponsored.