The right conjugation of the verbs between parenthesis is:
- No creo que los reporteros den esa mala noticia.
- Es increíble que esa cadena televisiva vuelva a hablar del mismo tema.
- La emisora de radio prefiere entrevistar a celebridades que no hacer pública toda su vida.
- Es curioso que el crítico de cine diga eso sobre la película.
- Me parece extraño que nosotros nunca veamos esa telenovela.
Step-by-step explanation:
The translation of the sentences is:
- I don't think reporters give that bad news.
- It is incredible that this television network speaks again of the same subject.
- The radio station prefers to interview celebrities who do not make public all their lives.
- It's funny that the film critic says that about the movie.
- I find it strange that we never watch that soap opera.
The conjugation of the verbs given in the sentences: "dar," "volver," "hacer," "decir" and "ver," in Subjunctive form is:
- Yo dé/vuelva/haga/diga/vea.
- Tú des/vuelvas/hagas/digas/veas.
- Él dé/vuelva/haga/diga/vea.
- Ella dé/vuelva/haga/diga/vea.
- Ello dé/vuelva/haga/diga/vea.
- Nosotros demos/volvamos/hagamos/digamos/veamos.
- Ellos den/vuelvan/hagan/digan/vean.
Now, you just have to replace the noun that performs the action in each sentence with the appropriate personal pronoun and use the conjugate form that is required, however, in the third sentence you cannot use the conjugate form in subjunctive since the preliminary words "que no," suggest the use of the infinitive.